Design process experiment
Description: From an old shoe and
the keywords joint and flexibility,
a design process started. The shoe
was dissected and investigated. New
keywords like movement, velocity,
trace and gravity came up. I found
that the connecting thread in the
words was related to one action:
Dancing. A disco dance move was
visually translated to a joint
construction. To make a long story
short: taking the construction from
2D to 3D formed a dress with endless
opportunities for flexibility.
I discovered that the eureka moments
appeared when I was able to “just
let go”. The process is demonstrated
in this slide show. So turn up the
volume and be patient, it starts
slowly: TRANSFORM.MOV (48 MB)
futile attempts to contact you to
ask permission to use your song. If
you disapprove, please let me know
and I’ll remove the clip!
Photo: Ninna Kapadia
Model: Kristina Berggren